Skilled and Open-minded People

44U Sp. z o.o.

Company headquarters and address
ul. Nowy Świat 33/13
00-029 Warszawa
Technical Support
Social media
Registration data
KRS: 0000958679
NIP: 5252898718
REGON: 521437334
District Court for the capital city of Warsaw
XII Economic Department of the National Court Register
Share capital: 10 000,00 zł
Company account number (traditional transfers)
58 1090 1043 0000 0001 5000 4099 (PLN)
56 1090 1043 0000 0001 5000 4135 (EUR)
(Santander Bank Polska S.A. - WBKPPLPP)
Company account number (crypto)
ERC20 Address
BSC (BEP20) Address